Our little guy's also discovered his own hands, and that he's got two of them--he clasps them together, intertwines his fingers and looks like's hatching a plot. ("If I poop, then she'll have to take me out of bed to change my diaper. Excellent!")
Then, a couple of days ago, Jacob really surprised us: he started taking his pacifier out of his mouth and popping it back in (he accomplishes this feat with impressive regularity), and he rolled over for the first time (!). He's also started "talking" more intentionally, cooing very insistently and making eye contact while he does so. It's all been quite impressive. But yesterday evening he really blew my mind. He was a bit fussy and since it wasn't quite bedtime I searched Youtube for a Sesame Street song to play for him, the "Manamana" song. Here it is:
Awesome, right? I figured we'd dance to it, but would you believe that Jake sang along? Everytime the nonsense chorus of "manamana" came on, he started cooing excitedly, and when it stopped, he stopped! I played the song a second time to see if he'd do it again and sure enough, he manamana'ed right on cue.
Conclusion? Our little angel...
...is a mini-version of this guy:

(Fortunately, the resemblance is not a physical one. Sorry, Albert!)
It's kind of bizarre juxtaposing the idyllic wedding picture against the "manamana" song and Muppets. How quickly things change!
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