On July 30, Jacob turned two months old. We thought we'd start gauging how much he's grown each month by snapping a photo of him next to a baguette and a bottle of wine. He is a Parisian, after all. The thing is, he's already bigger than a baguette! It makes me sad that we didn't think of this earlier. It would have been very cute to see a tiny little newborn Jake next to a big baguette. Oh well. At least we'll get to see him growing into the bottle of wine.

...it seems that he'd much rather get a bottle of milk. Kid's still got a lot to learn. (I'm sure Daddy will be happy to teach him.)
i love you guys. really.
Looks like a tasty meal but where's the cheese?
Haven't you heard? The cheese stands alone!
Cath, we love you right back.
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