I caught Jake on video rolling over. Once I realized he was about to do it, I started running around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for the camera. It was pretty ridiculous, but there's parenting for you!
If you blink, you'll miss it.
And here he is showing off how strong he is. Introducing Jake Hercules Blundell:
He's also started turning onto his side from his back. That's the next big step towards mobility, flipping from his back onto his belly (it's harder to do). But, like this little guy below, he's not quite there yet.
(I just saw this video and couldn't resist posting it here. I'm such a sucker for babies and puppies, and this was just too apropos!)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Three Generations
Here's Jake meeting his granddad for the first time ever.
I think the look on Colin's face as he watches his father and his son together says it all.
I think the look on Colin's face as he watches his father and his son together says it all.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alas, we've gotten behind on posting and have video and pics that are now over two weeks old. That's 16.66666% of Jake's life so far. So they're practically obsolete! However, since we still get a kick out of them, here's one for your viewing pleasure.
Jake, Sophie the Giraffe, and Merlin:
By now, Jake has figured out how to grab Sophie from me and chew on her little giraffe head. Merlin, on the other hand, has learned that Sophie is NOT to be touched. We've forgotten about her a few times and left her out in the open, that is to say, the wild savannah of our living room, but still Merlin has not pounced. This is remarkable for a dog who pretty much specialized in tearing apart any and all stuffed animals and squeaky toys that crossed his path.
Here's a couple of more recent photos of Jake with his favorite toy:

"See, Mom? I got this!"
Jake, Sophie the Giraffe, and Merlin:
By now, Jake has figured out how to grab Sophie from me and chew on her little giraffe head. Merlin, on the other hand, has learned that Sophie is NOT to be touched. We've forgotten about her a few times and left her out in the open, that is to say, the wild savannah of our living room, but still Merlin has not pounced. This is remarkable for a dog who pretty much specialized in tearing apart any and all stuffed animals and squeaky toys that crossed his path.
Here's a couple of more recent photos of Jake with his favorite toy:
"See, Mom? I got this!"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Jake's been hitting a bunch of milestones lately. He's been smiling and cooing for a while now, but just the other day he started squealing and laughing out loud. He's especially amused by the feel of Colin's beard against his cheek and laughs laughs laughs whenever Colin gives him kisses.
Our little guy's also discovered his own hands, and that he's got two of them--he clasps them together, intertwines his fingers and looks like's hatching a plot. ("If I poop, then she'll have to take me out of bed to change my diaper. Excellent!")
Then, a couple of days ago, Jacob really surprised us: he started taking his pacifier out of his mouth and popping it back in (he accomplishes this feat with impressive regularity), and he rolled over for the first time (!). He's also started "talking" more intentionally, cooing very insistently and making eye contact while he does so. It's all been quite impressive. But yesterday evening he really blew my mind. He was a bit fussy and since it wasn't quite bedtime I searched Youtube for a Sesame Street song to play for him, the "Manamana" song. Here it is:
Awesome, right? I figured we'd dance to it, but would you believe that Jake sang along? Everytime the nonsense chorus of "manamana" came on, he started cooing excitedly, and when it stopped, he stopped! I played the song a second time to see if he'd do it again and sure enough, he manamana'ed right on cue.
Conclusion? Our little angel...

...is a mini-version of this guy:

(Fortunately, the resemblance is not a physical one. Sorry, Albert!)
Our little guy's also discovered his own hands, and that he's got two of them--he clasps them together, intertwines his fingers and looks like's hatching a plot. ("If I poop, then she'll have to take me out of bed to change my diaper. Excellent!")
Then, a couple of days ago, Jacob really surprised us: he started taking his pacifier out of his mouth and popping it back in (he accomplishes this feat with impressive regularity), and he rolled over for the first time (!). He's also started "talking" more intentionally, cooing very insistently and making eye contact while he does so. It's all been quite impressive. But yesterday evening he really blew my mind. He was a bit fussy and since it wasn't quite bedtime I searched Youtube for a Sesame Street song to play for him, the "Manamana" song. Here it is:
Awesome, right? I figured we'd dance to it, but would you believe that Jake sang along? Everytime the nonsense chorus of "manamana" came on, he started cooing excitedly, and when it stopped, he stopped! I played the song a second time to see if he'd do it again and sure enough, he manamana'ed right on cue.
Conclusion? Our little angel...
...is a mini-version of this guy:

(Fortunately, the resemblance is not a physical one. Sorry, Albert!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
From the Right Bank to the Left

Things have been quiet on the blog but quite busy here in Paris. We're in the midst of moving to our new apartment and making a lovely home for our little family. Although we won't miss our old apartment (let's just say it was "quaint") we will definitely miss our old neighborhood. It was so charming that it was almost unreal.
Our metro stop:

Merlin's favorite place to pee was Picasso's former abode:

(As they say, everyone's a critic.)
This little bit of vineyard (which dates back to the Middle Ages) is one of the most picturesque spots in Montmartre:

We'll always remember attending Christmas mass here, and celebrating New Year's Eve here overlooking Paris:

Fortunately, we've moved to an equally beautiful, although totally different, part of Paris: the Latin Quarter. Within minutes of our new place you'll find the park where Jake and I go strolling in the afternoon, the Jardin des Plantes:

la rue Mouffetard, where we go to market:

and where we go walking in the morning with Dad and Dog, the Jardin du Luxembourg:

as well as the library where Mom will be writing the last chapter of her dissertation (and revising all the other ones!), the Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève:

and, finally, another remarkable Paris monument, the Pantheon:

I'm sure we'll be nostalgic for Montmartre, but we're also very excited about our new life on the Left Bank. We're real expats now!
Photo credits:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What's up, Doc?
The other day we took Jake in for his check-up. Our regular pediatrician is on vacation (it being August in France) so we saw another doctor in the practice. When he opened the door to greet us, both Colin and I were taken aback: he looked like a soap opera doctor, like someone out of General Hospital. Deeply tanned with very white teeth. Jake seemed to think he was a little odd, and perhaps untrustworthy:

But soon enough, they made each other's acquaintance and were ready for their close-up:

They're both quite photogenic, n'est-ce pas? The doctor was pleasantly surprised that we wanted to take a picture. He said no one had ever done that before. I think he was flattered!
Oh, and Jake's stats are quite impressive. Just two months after being born, he weighed in at 6 kilos and measured 60 cm long. For the 'muricans among us, that's a little over 13 lbs and 23.6 inches. Our litle Jacob Rémy is what the French call a "beau bébé," a bouncing baby boy.
But soon enough, they made each other's acquaintance and were ready for their close-up:
They're both quite photogenic, n'est-ce pas? The doctor was pleasantly surprised that we wanted to take a picture. He said no one had ever done that before. I think he was flattered!
Oh, and Jake's stats are quite impressive. Just two months after being born, he weighed in at 6 kilos and measured 60 cm long. For the 'muricans among us, that's a little over 13 lbs and 23.6 inches. Our litle Jacob Rémy is what the French call a "beau bébé," a bouncing baby boy.
When my mom came to visit back in June, she sang Jake a Polish lullaby she used to sing to me and that I had long forgotten. It's an adorable song about a young girl who meets a very handsome ranger in the forest and falls in love, so much so that she'd like to share her sandwich with him but oops! she already ate it. Jake seemed to really like that song, and now it's what I sing to him each evening and at naptime. Colin doesn't know the words, but he hums it to Jake. You can here me humming it in the background here.
(Whenever Jake sucks on his pacifier as he falls asleep, it makes me think of Maggie from The Simpsons.)
(Whenever Jake sucks on his pacifier as he falls asleep, it makes me think of Maggie from The Simpsons.)
Friday, August 7, 2009
(This one's for you, Elisabeth.)
Jake's mane is the latest in a fabulous lineage of sky-high coiffes. See for yourself:

Thayendanegea (also known as Joseph Brant), a Mohawk leader and British military officer

Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals"

Maddox Jolie-Pitt, son of Angelina (the other one) and Brad

David Beckham, English footballer and husband of Posh Spice

And, finally, the inimitable Mr. T ("I pity the fool!") from "The A-Team"

We call his do "the Jake-hawk." Has a nice ring to it, no?
Jake's mane is the latest in a fabulous lineage of sky-high coiffes. See for yourself:

Thayendanegea (also known as Joseph Brant), a Mohawk leader and British military officer

Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals"

Maddox Jolie-Pitt, son of Angelina (the other one) and Brad

David Beckham, English footballer and husband of Posh Spice

And, finally, the inimitable Mr. T ("I pity the fool!") from "The A-Team"
We call his do "the Jake-hawk." Has a nice ring to it, no?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mad Hatter
You know, Jake, if I were this cute I don't think I'd ever get upset!
(But I understand if it's hard to be a baby sometimes.)
(But I understand if it's hard to be a baby sometimes.)
Finger Lickin' Good
Jake has discovered that there's an alternative to his binky, and it's self-serve.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jake's Best Friend

When Colin and I were little kids, both of us begged our parents for years to get a dog. We think Jake is lucky to have a dog from the get-go, especially one as smart and kind as Merlin. We were worried at first about introducing Jake to Merlin and took lots of precautions. Thankfully, he's proven to be a really good family dog. For example, he's very patient in the mornings when we're getting everyone ready to go out. He used to whine impatiently if it took one of us too long to get it together and take him out; now he understands that Jake comes first and has adjusted his expectations accordingly. He's also learned to stay out of our bed. In the past, he'd hop in our bed in the mornings to be with us as we woke up but now he knows that it's Jake territory exclusively. Most importantly, he's understood that it's important to be gentle and calm around the baby. Occasionally he'll sniff Jake but most of the time he's happy to lie down near him and relax.
What he doesn't know is that Jake's going to be a real boon to him in the near future. Once we start introducing solid foods to Jake and he starts dropping them onto the floor from his high chair, Merlin's going to see that there are some real perks to having this funny little creature around!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Our Morning Walk
Every morning we set out on a long walk through the neighborhood. Merlin loves it, of course, but it's also great for Jake. He enjoys getting out in the stroller. The louder and bumpier the ride, the better!

Off we go.

First, we say hello to Dhibi, our friend at the épicerie next door. We see him and the owner opening up his shop each morning. This is also where Colin gets the occasional Heineken to drink while taking Merlin out in the afternoon. There are no open container laws in Paris and it's been a hot summer!

Here we are walking down the rue des Abbesses. In the afternoons it's busy with teeming crowds of visitors, but in the mornings its blissfully calm. Since we live here, we get to complain about the tourists.

Like these guys taking up the whole sidewalk. Must be Americans!

Once we're in the clear, Merlin can take care of business.

Strolling on the rue Caulaincourt. This is Jake's favorite part of the walk. He never fails to nod off once we've turned onto this street.


Occasionally we stop to say hello to Merlin's doggy friends. These guys were particular gregarious.

Although Jake gets his breakfast before we leave the house, we're too busy getting him, ourselves and the dog ready to go out. To tide ourselves over until we get back home, we stop at this bakery and get a sweet bite to eat on the go. (Life is tough, n'est-ce pas?)

Jake and Merlin patiently wait for us to choose between pain au chocolat, reine claude and raspberry clafoutis.

Once we reach the avenue Junot, Jacob is fast asleep and Merlin is happy to roam the wide sidewalks on his long leash. This is where Colin and I get to chat about non-baby things.

We also marvel at the charm of our neighborhood.

Some days, instead of getting a treat at the bakery, we stop for a breakfast of tartines and espresso at this little restaurant.

Here I am after having my coffee, looking much more alert than just a few minutes ago.

Soon after getting back on our walk we reach the park that surrounds the Sacré Coeur. The greenery is lovely and a welcome respite from the cityscape. Although we love Paris, we do miss nature sometimes.

But then, when at the end of your daily walk you pass something like this, you know that you live in a pretty special place.
So there you have it, a small glimpse of our mornings with Merlin and Jake in Montmartre.
Off we go.
First, we say hello to Dhibi, our friend at the épicerie next door. We see him and the owner opening up his shop each morning. This is also where Colin gets the occasional Heineken to drink while taking Merlin out in the afternoon. There are no open container laws in Paris and it's been a hot summer!
Here we are walking down the rue des Abbesses. In the afternoons it's busy with teeming crowds of visitors, but in the mornings its blissfully calm. Since we live here, we get to complain about the tourists.
Like these guys taking up the whole sidewalk. Must be Americans!
Once we're in the clear, Merlin can take care of business.
Strolling on the rue Caulaincourt. This is Jake's favorite part of the walk. He never fails to nod off once we've turned onto this street.
Occasionally we stop to say hello to Merlin's doggy friends. These guys were particular gregarious.
Although Jake gets his breakfast before we leave the house, we're too busy getting him, ourselves and the dog ready to go out. To tide ourselves over until we get back home, we stop at this bakery and get a sweet bite to eat on the go. (Life is tough, n'est-ce pas?)
Jake and Merlin patiently wait for us to choose between pain au chocolat, reine claude and raspberry clafoutis.
Once we reach the avenue Junot, Jacob is fast asleep and Merlin is happy to roam the wide sidewalks on his long leash. This is where Colin and I get to chat about non-baby things.
We also marvel at the charm of our neighborhood.
Some days, instead of getting a treat at the bakery, we stop for a breakfast of tartines and espresso at this little restaurant.
Here I am after having my coffee, looking much more alert than just a few minutes ago.
Soon after getting back on our walk we reach the park that surrounds the Sacré Coeur. The greenery is lovely and a welcome respite from the cityscape. Although we love Paris, we do miss nature sometimes.
But then, when at the end of your daily walk you pass something like this, you know that you live in a pretty special place.
So there you have it, a small glimpse of our mornings with Merlin and Jake in Montmartre.
Bigger Than A Baguette
On July 30, Jacob turned two months old. We thought we'd start gauging how much he's grown each month by snapping a photo of him next to a baguette and a bottle of wine. He is a Parisian, after all. The thing is, he's already bigger than a baguette! It makes me sad that we didn't think of this earlier. It would have been very cute to see a tiny little newborn Jake next to a big baguette. Oh well. At least we'll get to see him growing into the bottle of wine.

...it seems that he'd much rather get a bottle of milk. Kid's still got a lot to learn. (I'm sure Daddy will be happy to teach him.)
...it seems that he'd much rather get a bottle of milk. Kid's still got a lot to learn. (I'm sure Daddy will be happy to teach him.)
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