Friday, December 18, 2009

If you looked up "blasé" in the dictionary, you'd see a picture of Jake next to it

For our outing this afternoon, I thought it would be fun to take Jake to the Louvre. And it was! I love art museums and the Louvre is such an inspiring place for me. I took a bunch of photos to immortalize Jake's first visit to the world's most famous museum. Looking over them now, I am cracking up: he has the exact same expression in all of them.

Whatevs, Mom.

Pyramid? Yeah, I see it.


Italian sculpture. You don't say.


Mona who?

Lisa what?

It's a pyramid. I get it.

Baby pyramid. Cute, Mom. Not.

(And the whole time I thought he was enjoying all the hustle and bustle, shapes and forms and colors. Silly me!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Guess my hopes for him as a budding art historian may be premature! Or is he just post-moderne?