The month of September started with Jacob taking his Frenchness way too seriously and going on a nursing strike.
He won.
It was all well and good, though, because now we can all go out for drinks. Here he is at a café on the Ile Saint-Louis.
His is the one on the left.
While Saturday's a drinking day, he likes to spend his Sundays at the Jardin du Luxembourg where he can get a dose of culture along with the fresh air. Last week we all enjoyed some classical music among the trees.
Merlin's a fan of the Luxembourg Gardens, too, but for different reasons.
So many trees, so little time.
By the end of a walk there some members of the family are pooped. But others know how to take it easy and ride in style.
So much so that sometimes I feel like our own son is way too cool for us! But he doesn't seem to think so.
In fact, he seems to like hanging out with us quite a bit!
He's quite the happy baby, our Jake. And why wouldn't he be, with all his adoring visitors this month?
Like his Bubbie, of course.
Like his Aunt Gillian, naturally.
And let's not forget his Uncle Deniz.
Who also got along famously with Merlin.
And his Granddad and Mom who slaved away building him a crib. (Okay, so maybe it only took five minutes to put together.)
But, you do what you gotta do. Our little boy was getting just way too big for his bassinette.
Much better!
We took the requisite baguette and wine photo at the beginning of this month to chart his growth. You'll notice that the top of the baguette is missing, though, which skews the perspective a bit. That's from Colin chowing down on the way home from the boulangerie.
(Here's the one from August, for comparison's sake.)
Speaking of home, here's our lovely courtyard. Eet eez verrrree Frensh, non?
Okay, now I'm just getting silly. Time to wrap this up. And so I leave you with...
...the unbearable cuteness of baby.