Mary Cassatt, "The Boating Party," 1893-1894
Originally, this blog was supposed to chronicle our year in Paris. We had the idea of keeping a blog and telling our friends and family about it so they could check in every now and then and see what shenanigans we were up to.
Well, we've been up to some shenanigans, all right: I am pregnant!
We suspected that something was up about two days before we left for France. But given that we were in the midst of packing, getting me a visa, and staying at Colin's parents' house, taking a pregnancy test was just not going to happen.
Here's our story: We get to the airport, board the plane, get some sleep and then, as we're about to land in Paris, I get nauseated on the plane. I tell Colin it's either motion or morning sickness, and both possibilities are confusing because a) I don't ever get motion sickness and b) sure, it's morning in Paris but aren't I supposed to be 6 hours behind? Also, does morning sickness start that soon in a pregnancy? (The answer: yes. Yes it does.)
After several ridiculous situations at the airport involving incredibly blasé customs officials who were off smoking cigarettes and then allowed Merlin to enter the country and pee without showing his papers, and a pair of taxi drivers who we thought might be kidnapping us, we made it to our apartment. First things first: food. Second: walk around Montmartre and marvel at how beautiful it is. Next: go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test. Finally: take the test.
And then we see this: +
So you see, this blog will still be about our life in Paris, but that life will be a bit different from what we anticipated. Suddenly, we've got a whole new raison d'être...